Sunday, February 26, 2012

Questions For Voters

Several months ago I wrote a series of questions that I would like to see asked of Presidential candidates. In the subsequent months I have encountered people who support their candidate for no definite reason other than something like he's the most likely of the four remaining candidates to "beat Obama"  - as if that's all that matters.

With that in mind I decided that I would like to ask the supporters of all the candidates a series of questions to ascertain why they support whomever it is they support. Most or all of these have no "right" answer since they are largely concerned with future conduct.

1. Which candidate do you think is most likely to appoint judges who will follow the constitution's original intent?

2. Which candidate do you think will be most vigilant in protecting individual rights?

3. Which candidate do you think is most likely to respect the powers of the states?

4. Which candidate do you think is most likely to veto unconstitutional legislation?

5. Which candidate do you think is most likely to say what he actually thinks?

6. Which candidate do you think is least likely to support inflationary policies?

7. Which candidate do you think is least likely to approve rendition and torture?

8. Rank the four candidates, Gingrich, Paul, Romney and Santorum as most likely to act from pecuniary motives - most likely to least likely.

9. Which candidate do you think is most likely to obtain a declaration of war from congress before going to war?

10.Which candidate is most likely to reduce spending?

11.Which candidate is least likely to support detention without charge or trial?

12.Which candidate is least likely to append signing statements to bills?

13.Rank the four candidates from biggest liar to most truthful.

14.Which candidate is most likely to honor the separation of powers between the branches?

15.Which candidate has the greatest grasp of economics?

16.Which candidate seems to attach the greatest importance to oaths?

17.Which candidate is most likely to put American interests before those of other countries?

18.Which candidate is most likely to observe the civil liberties of both people and companies?

19.Which candidate is most likely to eliminate federal departments?

20.Which candidate is most likely to attempt elimination of income tax?

21.Which candidate is least likely to compel a seceding state to remain in the union?

22.Which candidate is least likely to approve censoring the internet?

23.Is it important for a president to be honest?

24.Which candidate is most likely to eliminate the TSA?

25.Which candidate is most likely to remove trade and travel restrictions?

26.Which candidate is least likely to bail out failed banks and other companies?

27.Which candidate is most likely to support an individual right to keep and bear arms?

28.Which candidate is most likely to eliminate immewing protesters in "free speech zones"?

29.Which candidate is most likely to support "money freedom," i.e., competing currencies?

30.Which candidate - if any have read it - has the best understanding of the Constitution?

31.Who do think would be the most conscientious steward of government funds?

32.Who do you consider to have been most consistent in his positions and votes?

33.Which candidate seems to have changed his position most often?

34.Have you read any books by any of the candidates?

35.If your preferred candidate isn't the nominee, will you vote, stay home, or write in?

36 Is it more important to beat Obama or to prevent the Republican hierarchy from rigging things?

37.Would it be better to suffer four more years of Obama or to vote in a Republican almost as bad for eight years?

38.What is more important, beating Obama or putting decent people in the Congress and Senate?

39.Is it likely that a Republican Congress will oppose bad policy from a Republican president?

40.Do you think the Republicans would overturn Roe v. Wade if they could?

41.Which candidate is least likely to bomb another country on his own initiative?

42.Which candidate seems to have the biggest ego?

43.Which candidate do you think the GOP hierarchy least wants?

44.Do you think it's possible that the Republicans are using pro-lifers as political pawns?

45.Do you think that the commerce clause has anything to do with mandating health insurance?

46.Many people talk of "taking back America" or "throwing the bums out," etc. Who is most likely to accomplish this objective?

47.What is the greater threat, an external enemy or an ever-expanding government?

48.What is a bigger threat, debasing the currency or global warming?

49.What is more important for a president, being bound by the Constitution or having the "correct" views on various disputed questions?

50.Has the country been going in the right direction for the past one hundred years?

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Sullivan, I just discovered your blog, through a link on Poor Boy Speculator by Chris Ryland. To my mind In light of every question you ask, Ron Paul is the candidate that stands out.
